There are some weeks when my days begin like bubbling cauldrons. Too much work (a good thing, seriously). Too little time. A book to illustrate. A teenager to placate. A life to live. That makes me one of the lucky ones, btw.
One day last week I popped on my headphones and turned on my computer and found, well, nirvana. The AFA's dear friends and allies at Associacao Portuguesa de Fertilidade, had posted a Michael Buble video on their Facebook wall with the simple affirmation "Music Break". Ok, that I can do! Because music, and movement, shifts reality in only positive ways. But of course, you already know that.
My dear sisters. For those of you who are currently TTC and gritting your teeth. For those of you who are pregnant after TTC and freaked out. For those of you who are finally mommies and haven't brushed your hair in three days. Breathe, girlfriends.
Oh, and by the way? For you brave and amazing men who just "don't know what she wants, how the hell can I be there for her anymore?" I have a simple directive for all of you.
Just dance.
Hey people. It's Monday morning. What could be more important than this?
Just dance.