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Wonderful post, Corey! Love should always conquer hate and, until that's a universal truth, we all have to keep speaking up and doing the right thing.
Thank you for the wonderful work you and The AFA do for all of us.

Community Manager/Consultant
Attain Fertility

Corey, thank you for so eloquently and passionately articulately expressing what millions of us were feeling yesterday. I'm proud to report that many people in our office came to work in many shades of purple, including executives! I applaud all that you and The AFA do to advocate and support families of all kinds.

Corey,what a powerful post - anger often breeds change, and you should not be ashamed of that. You are a big part of the change that is coming, and you should be proud of it. Yes, ladies (and gents), let's think of the children - think of how our actions hurt, destroy, and kill each day. Think before you act or speak - the world would be a much better place.

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