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hola ke tal mire yo nesecito hacerme el examen de hsg pero yo quiero saber cuanto cuesta espero me puedan ayudar ok bueno les agradesco muchas gracias?

thnx 4 explain . i have one Q, i m marreid from 6 year and do not have child my all other reprts r oki my periods r ergular and without medicin dont hv widral i m takig mdicine 4 eag from 2 yaer . in past i was pregnet 2 time but i gat abort . now i dont know wt to do ....three months past i have done opret of leproscopy of overy aftr that my preids coming evry month ... but still do not have pregncy becuse agin eag is not comes in gud size without medicine ...is there any salution of my problem .. my husbands reports r ok

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