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This is a great piece to highlight the issues which a man can suffer. Thank you. My partner has/had high sperm antibodies and they told us that we needed ICSI IVF and assumed it was because of some unknown trauma at some point in his life.

I did my own research & we had a go at 'alternative' methods - acupuncture, a male pre-natal vitamin and antioxidants. When tested the antibody count had reduced significantly from about 80% to about 15%. However, the doctors were sceptical and said it may be a fluke or a lab error. We since however have had 2 natural pregnancies.

Therefore I was very pleased to see you have a category of immunology as a possible cause of male infertility as I dont think doctors necessarily give this sufficient focus and jump straight to ICSI-IVF.

What I would add is that I have not known steroids be recommended or prescribed (we spoke to five different REs) - the only thing I have read is that they arent used as the risks (bone damage) are considered too great. So is this some other sort of lower dose steroid that you are referring to?

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