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It is truly hard to evaluate what the "best" home is for any given child. In Gil's case, he showed his caring and concern when he brought in two boys who were in bad shape. Lawyers on both sides said that the boys thrived under his care. He became involved in attempts to adopt them so they would have permanency. I'm not sure any of us could do any more than this. We would do well to find more "Gils," willing to provide "forever families" for kids who are too often moved from one temporary foster home to another.

Kristeena, who do you think you are? You are hawking your own penis enlargement website on our legitimate blog and where do you get off saying an uncaring gay? Where did you get that from? What nonsense you are spouting. I don't usually get this angry at stupidity but you truly take the cake. And yes, I decided to publish your comment, truthfully, so that people can get a good laugh at you. But feel free to post at any time! You were my comic relief for the day.

I pity the situation that 114,500 children who are waiting for a home. But it is also important to what kind home they get if at all. They may be more secure in destitute children's homes than at the mercy of an uncaring gay.

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