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Dear Marna,

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the passion that you have around this issue and how well you articulated your concerns. I keep coming back to my own disappointment. That this 2,000 year old institution founded on the principle of sacrificial love seems to stray so far from what I consider its true mission. The potential to do good is enormous, even if that only means engaging people in a conversation so they feel heard and respected. You can count on us to keep the conversation alive. Thanks again.


Ken - I have so much to say about this I am not sure where to begin and I thank you so much for being brave and writing about this.

You said this all in a nutshell:

"And I thought, how tragic this was, and how ironic as well. The Church takes what it considers a principled stand for the welfare of children by keeping out a pre-schooler with lesbian parents, while at the same time keeping child-molesting priests in circulation."

Frankly, I am not surprised in the least that the Archdiocese, made the statement "Lesbians living together as couples are in disaccord with Catholic teaching." I think I am past the point of being angry and incredibly sad.

As a nonpracticing Catholic I have always observed and shook my head in disbelief at the inconsistencies that the Church has mandated. The Church can turn a blind eye to priests molesting children and even put those offending priests back to work in parishes where more children are to allow them to molest again but they are going to dictate to the rest of the world that IVF or ART in general is unnatural and somehow evil, that being in a loving, committed, relationship with a person of the same sex is wrong, and instead of helping it's members who endure great pain through divorce the Church treats them as outcasts.

And please don't even get me started on the Church's silence during the time Hitler was murdering millions of our Jewish brothers and sisters!!

(Breathe! Marna breathe!)

The saddest part about the Church's latest round of utter insanity is there is nothing you or I can do about it because the schools in which these rulings occur are protected under the law because they are private.

Again Ken, thank you for writing about something that is so incredibly emotional to many who are struggling with infertility -- and you are correct religion does factor into family building and not always do the two mesh harmoniously.

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